How to delete/restore users and enrolments

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 No deletion is ever permanent

This article references users and enrolments being "deleted", but these are "soft deletions", which means that all of the actual data is maintained and can be recovered at a later time.

Admin users can delete individual enrolments, which removes them from the list of "active" enrolments and prevents them from being edited or even seen by any other non-Admin users in the system. This can be useful for removing withdrawn learners from your active enrolment reports, resetting the progress of an enrolment for a student who needs to start from scratch, and a variety of other reasons.

To delete an enrolment, locate it on the Enrolments page. Then, click the More button found underneath the "Action" column followed by the Delete option.


You can restore an enrolment later on at any time. First, access the Deleted enrolments page from the default Enrolments page by clicking the More button above the search bar followed by the Deleted option.


Now that you're on the Deleted enrolments page, locate the enrolment you'd like to restore and then click More followed by Restore on the drop-down menu.


The process of deleting and restoring user profiles instead of individual enrolments is very similar - simply locate the user and click More (under Action) > Delete to delete them. To restore them, click More (above the search bar) > Deleted to access the list of deleted users and then, after locating the user, click More (under Action) > Restore to restore them.

 Deleted users cannot log in

Note that users who have had their user profiles deleted will not be able to log into the system or access their enrolments.

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