Want to create an enrolment for a learner - either new, or existing - in the Catapult system? Perhaps a number of enrolments, for a small batch of learners?
The easiest way to do this is via the Enrolment Sheet - the quickest and easiest way to create enrolments (and even new users!) via the front end of the Catapult LMS.
As an Admin user, you can access the Enrolment Sheet in a couple of different ways. The quickest is via the "Enrol someone right now" option found near the bottom of your Dashboard;
The other easy option is using the +Add new enrolment sheet button on the Enrolments page;
The first page of the Enrolment Sheet is, quite simply, a table that consists of three columns. The first column is for the Learner you want to enrol, the second column is the for Unit you want to enrol them in, and the third column (which is optional) is for the Trainer you'd like to assign to that enrolment.
To start filling in the Enrolment Sheet, simply click into the box and start typing. You'll see a pop-up appear, which asks you whether you'd like to select an existing Learner or create an entirely new one. In the example below, I've started typing in the name of a Learner who doesn't yet exist in the system, so I'll provide their details on the corresponding side of the pop-up.
Make sure you click New Learner when you're done! You'll then see that the pop-up disappears and the Learner has been saved with a yellow star.
Alternatively, if you select an existing Learner, their name will show up with a green tick.
Selecting a unit works very similarly; simply click into the table cell and start typing in the unit code or unit title that you'd like to enrol the Learner into. Make sure you click on the unit to lock it in!
Neat tip; you can hover over a lower cell and click the little arrow to auto-fill all of those cells with the same unit.
If you choose to assign a Trainer to the enrolments, doing so is effectively identical to selecting Learners. You can either select an existing Trainer or use the pop-up panel to create one on the spot.
When you are done setting up the enrolments and want to create them, click the Next button in the bottom-right corner of the page.
This will take you to the confirmation page, which will show you the total cost of the enrolments you are about to create. Underneath this is a "Set details" section, which you can use to enter optional data for these enrolments.
Important note regarding "Start date"
If you enter a "Start date" for the enrolments, the Learners and any assigned Trainers will not be able to view it until that date.
When you are happy to proceed, click the Confirm button in the bottom-right corner. This will take you to the receipt page, where you can reveal details pertaining to these enrolments (such as the enrolments' Batch number, confirmation of the notification emails being sent out (if relevant), etc.
You can also see on the Enrolments page that the two enrolments you just authorised will now be listed as Active enrolments, and are therefore ready for the Learner to start working on!
"Pending insert" status
If you ever navigate away from an enrolment process without completing it, the users and enrolments that you were setting up may be listed as "pending insert". At this stage, they are not yet live. This article contains instructions on how to resolve this.
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