How Do I Create a New Assessment Section?

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  Creating Assessment Sections

The Edify tool allows the creation of brand-new Assessment Sections to present to your learners for their assessment. This article will cover creating a blank Assessment Section to add your assessments.


The steps to create an Assessment Section:

  1. Go to the Sections page of a unit.

  2. Click on the last box in the Assessment group shown with a plus sign (+) icon—hovering over this box will show the text + Add Assessment Section. The New Assessment section form will open.


  3. An Assessment Type must be selected. This can be set to:
    • Trainer marked (eg Knowledge questions or Projects)
    • Auto marked (eg Multiple choice)
    • Observation (eg Performance tasks or Practical demonstration)

    After selecting an option, click Continue.

On the New Section screen, many options can be customised.

    1. A Title must be selected—this is a free type section.
    2. Clicking the Needs sub-sections checkbox will allow you to divide the section into multiple topics. There is an option to Automatically make sub-sections. Sub-sections refer to the topics (Elements) of the Unit of Competency—Auto building brings in the Elements from
    3. Instructions for learners (boilerplate) can be customised—our standard boilerplate for each topic can be chosen by selecting Boilerplate from the dropdown menu. To completely customise the boilerplate choose the Custom option—this is a free type section.
    4. The Assessment Objective is designed to outline what each question or task is mapped to. It is recommended that this section is not edited otherwise this part of the unit in the Learning Management System will be removed.
    5. Section Labels can be edited, the system defaults are listed on the screen. To Edit these headings just add what you would like the Topics and/or Questions to be labelled.
    6. Section Components refer to the different question types that can be brought into an Assessment section. Question types are selected by clicking the checkboxes.
    7. Section Mapping allows you to select the most relevant mapping component/s for your Assessment Section. The components can be selected by clicking the checkboxes.


Click Save once all sections have been made.

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