What is an Assessment Section
The Edify Tool uses Assessment Sections to distinguish between a variety of assessment tools for use in the Catapult LMS. This user guide provides a comprehensive overview of each assessment section type, how they appear in a standard Catapult Resource and how you can tailor those for your requirements.
Choose an Action
- Skills recognition
- Knowledge questions
- Performance tasks
- Practical Assessment
- Projects
- Multiple choice
Skills Recognition
The Skills Recognition section enables the Learner to identify the evidence they will need to provide to successfully apply for recognition of their existing skills and knowledge for a particular Unit of Competency.
Learners can provide evidence (attach files, record video) of their existing skills and knowledge that demonstrate their ability within a unit.
This section is not designed to be customised with additional questions or tasks. However, it can be renamed or disabled if required.
Knowledge Questions
The Knowledge questions section is designed for learners to provide written answers to demonstrate that they have the essential knowledge required for the relevant Performance Criteria and related Knowledge Evidence.
The Knowledge questions are separated into topics (child sections) and by default, are mapped to the Performance Criteria and Knowledge Evidence of a Unit of Competency.
Questions used within this section are usually essay questions. Where relevant, there is an option to use a scenario question to introduce a series of related essay questions.
The Edify Tool allows multiple Questions types within this section, including short answer and table questions.
To better understand the different question types, please refer to the An Introduction to Question Types article.
Performance Tasks
Performance Tasks contain practical-based tasks that are directly related to the Performance Criteria and Performance Evidence of a Unit of Competency.
This observation section is where learners will be asked to demonstrate the appropriate skills by recording observation notes, attaching additional files or recording videos to provide evidence of their task completion.
The Performance tasks are separated into topics (child sections) and, by default, are mapped to the Performance Criteria and Performance Evidence of a Unit of Competency.
Practical Assessment
The Practical Assessment section contains a set of specific practical-based tasks to be completed by learners, usually in a workplace or simulated environment.
Scenarios , role plays and simulations are included where it is suitable to support assessment.
If, as part of the unit requirement, learners are expected to demonstrate their skills in an actual workplace over a nominated period of time, we provide a log book. A Reflection Diary is also included in the assessment section, to be used if the Unit of competency requires the learner to provide proof of critical reflection.
This observation section is where learners will be asked to demonstrate the appropriate skills by recording observation notes, attaching additional files or recording videos to provide evidence of their task completion.
Practical Assessments are mapped to the Performance Criteria and Performance Evidence by default.
Please note, a unit will have either performance tasks or a practical assessment, not both.
The Project section is used for theory-based or practical-based question/s to summarise the learner's collective understanding of the Unit of Competency.
Similarly to the knowledge question section, essay questions are primarily used with the option for a scenario question. You are also able to use short answer and table questions.
Unlike the knowledge question section, the project section is not separated into topics (child sections).
A Project checklist may be included for the learner and assessor to use, which covers what the learners need to complete to be assessed as Satisfactory.
Some standard Catapult units will have the project disabled by default. You can enable it for use as part of your assessment.
The Projects are mapped to the Performance Criteria and Knowledge Evidence by default. Practical-based projects will map to the Performance Evidence.
Multiple Choice
The Multiple choice section is used for True/ False statements and Multiple Choice questions.
This section will usually have eight (8) True/ False statements plus two (2) Multiple choice questions per topic. These questions are duplicated from the Check Your Understanding non-graded quizzes at the end of each Topic in the Learning resource.
In a standard Catapult resource, this section will always be set as disabled; however, it can be turned on and used as a gradable section as part of the learner’s assessment.
Multiple choice assessments are mapped to the Performance Criteria and Knowledge Evidence by default.
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