Managing Units

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  How Do I Customise a Unit for My Organisation?

Organisations can request that standard Catapult units be placed into their organisation in the Edify tool for specific customisations.

An organisation can also create blank units to build their own assessment.


Choose an Action


Creating a New Unit

In your unit screen, click the top-right button + New unit to either view instructions to customise a standard Catapult unit or create a blank NRT unit.


Need to contextualise a Catapult unit?

Clicking this option gives you the prompt;

After receiving your request Catapult staff will clone the standard unit and place it into your organisation’s unit list.

You can then customise the unit to suit your requirements.


Make a New NRT (Accredited) Unit

Clicking this option will open a window to enter a unit code.

It also has a prompt warning that this option will create a blank unit.

Creating a new NRT unit will pull unit details and information from However, Assessment sections, Mapping and some Supporting info will be blank.

If you require a blank NRT unit click:

  • +Create—creates and adds the new unit to the organisation’s list of units
  • +Create & open—creates the unit, adds it to the unit list and will automatically open the new unit.


Customising a Unit

After requesting a cloned standard Catapult unit, the unit will appear in your organisation’s unit list.


Click the unit code to open the unit and begin customising as per your requirements.

Customisations can include:

  • Assessments—changing existing, creating new, deleting sections/ questions/ tasks
  • Mapping—adding, removing
  • Supporting info—creating, editing, disabling
  • Uploading Media library files


Cloning a Unit

When customising units, it may be necessary to make a copy (clone) of a unit in your organisation for example, to add an edition code.

To clone a unit:

  1. Click the Actions button on the right-hand side of the screen

  1. When the drop-down box appears, click Clone.
  1. The clone window form will open prefilled with the Unit Code and Title.

  1. Make any required changes to the unit code or title. Unit codes must be unique—multiple units cannot share the same code.

An Edition Code or Edition Title can be typed in the bottom boxes if required.

  1. Click the Clone button to clone the unit.   


Checking Your Unit

After you have customised your unit, it is essential to thoroughly check the unit to confirm that:

  • all of your required changes have been made
  • spelling and grammar are correct
  • file attachments are correct
  • any required links work


Reviewing Mapping

Click the Mapping tab in the left-hand menu to check all components have been mapped to the assessment.

To learn more refer to our mapping article.


Checking the Online Variant

Click the Online Variant tab.

To check the assessment, click the Assessments tab in the Navigation menu. Click on each assessment section to check:

  • how each question/ task looks
  • spelling and grammar
  • the answer field and buttons are correct for your requirements e.g.:
    • observation notes in an observation section
    • attach files/ record video checkbox has been selected (knowledge questions, project section)

Observation Task Example:

Knowledge question/ project example:


Marking a Unit as Ready

When customising your unit, it will be set to Draft status. When you have finished customising, you will need to change the status of your unit to Ready.

There are two ways to change the status of a unit to Ready:

  1. Click the Actions button, and when the drop-down box opens, click Mark as Ready.

  1. When viewing the unit, click the Mark as Ready button in the top-right corner.

When a unit status has been changed to Ready, it is read-only—no more changes can be made to the unit.

Setting a unit to Ready alerts Catapult staff that your customisation is complete.

A Ready unit can be set to Draft by a Catapult staff member. You must send a request if this is required.


Publishing a Unit

When Catapult staff are notified that you have changed the status of a unit to Ready, they will work through their own review processes and place the unit into your organisation's library (LMS).

You should receive a notification that the unit has been placed in your library for review.

In the LMS, you can conduct a final check of your unit to confirm that all changes have been made and that everything is correct.

Once your review is complete, you can either Approve or Reject the unit by clicking the buttons in the top-right of the screen.


Approving the Unit

If you are happy with the unit, click the Approve button.

This sends a notification to the Catapult team that the unit is ready to be published.


Rejecting the Unit

If you decide the unit requires further work, click the Reject button.

You must enter rejection notes to advise Catapult staff to return the unit's status to Draft. This will send a notification to the Catapult team.

You can now make changes to the unit again, and the approval process will continue until you can approve the unit.

Refer to our Reviewing Customised Units article for further instructions.


Final Steps

You have approved the unit, Catapult staff will change the unit's status to Published in Edify and Publish the unit in the LMS.

You will receive a notification that the unit is now ready for enrolment.

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