What is a Unit?
A unit is a standard Catapult resource. Our resources are written to the standards as prescribed on training.gov.au. Any units part of the Catapult Library can be contextualised in the Edify tool. This article will cover the navigation of the unit screen and provide tips on how to begin the contextualisation process.
In the Edify tool, your landing page will display your organisation’s units in a tile view. Clicking on the tile will open the unit.
The units within your organisation are unique to you and are not available to any other organisation.
Unit Screen
At the top of the screen, click Units. This gives a list view of all your organisation’s units.
The display shows the Full code, Full Title, Status and Actions from left to right.
Clicking the unit code in the Full Code column will open the unit.
The Status of a unit, either Draft, Ready or Published, indicates whether customisation is ongoing (Draft) or complete (Ready) or the unit is ready to be published in the LMS (Published).
Click Actions to show a drop-down box that gives the options to Mark as Ready or to Clone.
Mark as Ready changes the status of a unit from Draft to Ready.
Clone allows you to copy a unit in your organisation’s list.
New Unit
In the top-right corner of the screen, the + New unit drop-down box gives two options.
Need to Contextualise a Catapult Unit?
Choose this option to get instructions to customise a standard Catapult unit.
Make a New NRT (Accredited) Unit
Choose this option to create a blank unit containing only information pulled from training.gov.au. Click here to learn more about how to manage your units.
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