Edify Permissions
The Edify tool offers a variety of permission levels that may not be applicable to all users. With this platform, you have the flexibility to create distinct environments for yourself and your staff. This allows you to tailor access and responsibilities based on individual needs, ensuring that each team member has the appropriate level of authority and access to complete their tasks efficiently.
The permissions for users of Edify are described below:
Permission |
Description |
Can view organisation details |
Allows access to the Organisation page. Allows access to the organisation's details. |
Can update general organisation details |
Requires permission: Organisation > Can view organisation details. Allows editing access to the organisation's details via the Organisation page. The organisation Name and RTO number are locked and cannot be edited. The organisation Address and Contact information can be edited. |
Permission |
Description |
Can view other user details |
Allows access to the Global Users and Users pages. Allows access to the details of other users in the organisation. |
Can create a new user |
Requires permission: User > Can view other user details. Allows creation of new users in Edify. Permission options are limited depending on the current user's permissions. |
Can update existing users |
Requires permission: User > Can view other user details. Allows the editing of details and permissions for users in the organisation. Permission options are limited depending on the current user's permissions. |
Can disable users |
Requires permission: User > Can view other user details. Allows the deletion of users in the organisation. Note: If a user is the only user in an organisation with the Is Primary Account Owner permission, they cannot be deleted. |
Can restore a user |
Requires permission: User > Can view other user details. Allows the restoration of access to a disabled or deleted user in the organisation. |
Can clone user permissions |
Requires permission: User > Can view other user details. Requires permission: User > Can create a new user. Allows the creation of a new user by cloning an existing user in the organisation. New user details must be entered. Permissions will be initially selected based on the cloned user's permissions and limited by the current user's permissions. |
Is Primary Account Owner |
Requires permission: User > Can view other user details. Requires permission: User > Can create a new user. Requires permission: Organisation > Can update general organisation details. Prevents the user from being deleted if they are the only user in the organisation with this permission. |
Permission |
Description |
Can View Resource Listing |
Allows access to the Units page of the user's organisation. |
Can create a new NRT Resource |
Requires permission: Resources > Can View Resource Listing. Allows creation of a new NRT (Nationally Recognised Training) Unit. The code used must exist on training.gov.au as a Unit of Competency. |
Has permission to clone a resource |
Requires permission: Resources > Can View Resource Listing. Allows the cloning of an existing Unit in the organisation. |
Can change resource state |
Requires permission: Resources > Can View Resource Listing. Allows the change of a Unit's status from Draft to Ready. |
Will get notification & messages via email |
Requires permission: Resources > Can View Resource Listing. Allows user to receive emails when a Unit status is changed. |
Permission |
Description |
Can View Assessment zone for a resource |
Requires permission: Assessment Zone > Can View Assessment zone for a resource. Allows access to Assessment Sections inside a Unit. |
Can create/update assessment sections in a resource |
Requires permission: Assessment Zone > Can View Assessment zone for a resource. Allows creation of new Assessment Sections inside a Unit. Allows editing of existing Assessment Sections inside a Unit. |
Can delete an assessment section in a resource |
Requires permission: Assessment Zone > Can View Assessment zone for a resource. Allows deletion of Assessment Sections inside a Unit. The default Assessment sections cannot be deleted. |
Can clone existing section |
Requires permission: Assessment Zone > Can View Assessment zone for a resource. User can duplicate existing Assessment Sections inside a Unit. |
Can rearrange sections |
Requires permission: Assessment Zone > Can View Assessment zone for a resource. Allows existing Assessment Sections to be re-arranged inside a Unit. This does not affect the structure or presentation of the Online variant. |
Permission |
Description |
Can create/update assessment questions/tasks in a resource |
Allows creation of new Assessment Questions and Tasks in the Assessment sections of a Unit. Allows editing of existing Assessment Questions and Tasks in the Assessment Sections of a Unit. |
Can delete assessment questions/tasks in a resource |
Allows deletion of existing Assessment Questions and Tasks in the Assessment sections of a Unit. |
Can rearrange questions/tasks |
Allows the re-arranging of existing Assessment Questions and tasks in the Assessment Sections of a Unit. |
Permission |
Description |
Can Access Online Assembly Area |
Requires permission: Resources > Can View Resource Listing. Allows access to the Online variant area of a Unit. |
Can add new | update sections for online |
Requires permission: Online Assembly Area > Can Access Online Assembly Area. Allows adding of new sections in the online variant of a Unit. Allows updating of existing sections in the online variant of a Unit. |
Can Customise Left-Hand menu bar of the unit |
Requires permission: Online Assembly Area > Can Access Online Assembly Area. Allows changes to the left-hand menu in the Online variant of Units. |
Permission |
Description |
Can View supporting info for a resource |
Requires permission: Resources > Can View Resource Listing. Allows access to the Supporting info Sections inside a Unit. |
Can create/update supporting info sections in a resource |
Requires permission: Supporting Info > Can View supporting info for a resource. Allows creation of new Supporting info Sections inside a Unit. Allows editing of existing Supporting info Sections inside a Unit. |
Can delete a supporting info section in a resource |
Requires permission: Supporting Info > Can View supporting info for a resource. Allows deletion of existing Supporting info Sections inside a Unit. Does not allow deletion of the default Supporting info Sections for NRT Units. |
Can clone existing section |
Requires permission: Supporting Info > Can View supporting info for a resource. Allows duplication of existing Supporting info Sections inside a Unit. |
Permission |
Description |
Access to standard boilerplates |
Allows access to the Boilerplate area. |
Can create new boilerplates |
Requires permission: Boilerplate > Access to standard boilerplates. Allows creation of new Boilerplate content. |
Can update boilerplates |
Requires permission: Boilerplate > Access to standard boilerplates. Allows updating of existing Boilerplate content. |
Permission |
Description |
Can access the media library |
Allows access to the Media Library tab in the left-hand menu of any Unit. Allows access to access the Media Library tab in the text editor toolbar when editing content. For example, assessment questions, supporting info sections, boilerplate descriptions, etc. Allows Media Library assets to be inserted into content using the text editor toolbar. |
Can upload new files in the media library |
Requires permission: Media Library > Can access the media library. User can upload file assets in the Media library. |
Permission |
Description |
View access history of account |
Allows access to the History tab of a Unit. All historical actions performed in a Unit can be viewed by the user. |
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