What is Mapping?
Every standard Catapult resource is mapped according to performance criteria, knowledge evidence and performance evidence listed on training.gov.au for each Unit of Competency. This article will cover how you can utilise the mapping section for your customised units.
In Catapult Standard units our mapping section is designed to showcase to learners and trainers where the writers consider the different aspects of the assessments have been addressed.
The Edify tool allows customisation to the mapping by:
- adding mapping to a question or task
- removing mapping from a question or task
- reviewing mapping
- disabling the mapping for the unit as a whole
When you finish your customisation, you can review the mapping to confirm all components are mapped as part of the validation process.
In Catapult Standard units, our mapping section is designed to showcase to learners and trainers where the writers consider the different aspects of the assessments that have been addressed.
Below are steps that will assist in managing the mapping section.
On the right-hand side of the page, click on the Mapping icon. This will open the mapping components for the unit.
Drag the required mapping from the Mapping tab to the question’s mappings area. If the question has no mapping, it will highlight this area with the text Drag your mappings here! The order the mapping is placed here does not matter.
Please note, the mapping labels can be expanded to display their full description. Click the M button in the header of the mapping to expand them. Alternatively, hover your cursor over the mapping components and press the M key on your keyboard. The mapping assigned underneath a question can also be expanded by hovering and pressing the M key.
At the bottom of the question where the mapping is located, click the x button on the right side of the mapping label to remove it from the question.
We recommend reviewing the mapping as a last step before marking your unit as ready.
The unit Elements, Performance Criteria, Knowledge Evidence, Performance Evidence, and Foundation Skills will be displayed as rows. To the right of each heading is a:
a number representing the number of components
a circle surrounding the number, this displays the percentage of components that have been mapped against assessment questions
Click on a row to expand it. This displays a list of components, their description and the number of questions mapped.
Click on a component’s mappings button to open a modal window. This window displays a list of all questions that are mapped to a component.
Click on a question to expand it and show the question and answer text; this will help ensure you have added the correct questions.
The Mapping is not a compulsory part of our unit; you can choose to disable the mapping, and the section will no appear in the LMS.
If you chose not to include the mapping in your final unit you can disable the mapping using the following steps:
- Locate and click on the cog icon on the Unit Mapping
- Click on the disable checkbox to remove the mapping from the unit
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