How to Manage Supporting Info Sections

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  What is Support Info?

The Edify tool allows you to edit the Supporting info area to add further instructions and documentation for your learners. This article will cover deleting, duplicating and disabling the Supporting info area.


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How to Create a New Supporting info section

Once you are on the Sections page of a unit, locate and click on the last box in the Supporting info group shown with a plus sign (+) icon.


This will load the New Supporting info section form.


A unique title will need to be added in the Title field

  Please note, this title must be unique from the Assessment Sections as well as the Supporting info.

A description will need to be selected. This will set the content that appears behind the Tab—you can choose from:

      • Custom: Free text that can be typed into, Images and file attachments from the Media Library can be added here.
      • Boilerplate: You can choose from an existing boilerplate text or one you have created.

Click Save.


How to Duplicate a Supporting Info Section

Locate and click in the bottom-right corner of the Supporting info section to be duplicated, and click the copy icon.


This will load the Clone section form. 


A unique title will need to be added in the Title field.

Click Save.

The duplicated supporting info section will be added to the end of the Supporting info area.


How to Edit a Supporting Info Section

Locate and click in the bottom-right corner of the Supporting info section to be edited, and click the cog icon. The Edit section form will open. 


Sections that can be edited include, Title and the Boilerplate (Description).


Click Save.


How to Disable a Supporting Info Section

Locate and click in the bottom-right corner of the Supporting info section to be disabled, and click the cog icon. This will load the Edit section form. 


In the top-right corner of the form, tick the Disabled checkbox.


Click Save.

The supporting info will now appear faded and marked as disabled.


  Please note, Disabling a supporting info section that has already been added to the Online variant will hide it in the Online variant.


How to Delete a Supporting Info Section

Our standard default sections within the Supporting info are the Unit Information and Unit Mapping; these cannot be deleted. If you do not wish to utilise these, you must disable the Section. Anything that has been deleted cannot be brought back into your units.

If Deleting is the option you require, locate the trash can icon in the bottom-right corner of the Assessment section.


A confirmation box will follow—click yes to Delete the section.

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