How to request a demo

Have more questions? Submit a request

If you'd like to see Catapult LMS in action, the best way is to request a demonstration session with one of our sales team. We'll reach out to you to arrange an online meeting with a screen-share component. This will allow you to see, in real time, how the Catapult LMS provides access to our internally-developed resources for Learner and Trainer users. You'll be shown how the resources work, the assessment submission cycle, and a variety of tips and tricks on how to get the best use out of our free LMS.

To submit a demo request, click on the link below. You can also simply send an email to or call us on (08) 8275 9380.

Submit a demo request

We look forward to showing you all the features of Catapult LMS, and addressing any questions you may have!

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