This glossary describes the terms used by the Edify system.
About this Unit
For NRT Units, the About this unit content is a copy of the Unit’s Application from It appears on the Unit Overview page of a Unit. This data can be edited by the Catapult team.
In the Online variant of a Unit, the About this unit content appears on the Unit home page. The content is formatted as {{UNIT::APPLICATION}}. The heading and content can be changed in the Edit Section settings of the Online variant.
This menu is present alongside each Unit on the Units page.
Provides the option to mark a unit as ready or to clone a copy of it.
Additional Information and Evidence
A default Supporting info Section that may be used in the LMS by Trainers and Learners to upload additional information and evidence.
The drop-down menu for administrative tools, including:
- Organisation
- Users
- Boilerplate
Unit information imported directly from
A brief description of the unit content, how the unit is applied and any licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements that apply to the unit.
Used in the About this unit content and in the Unit information Section.
A category in the Media Library used to designate Assets that have been replaced or should no longer be used.
Assets that have been set as Archived are unable to be inserted into Units.
All pre-existing links to an Archived Asset will continue to function in Edify and the LMS.
Assessment Agreement
A default Supporting info Section used to provide a form for the Learner to download, fill out and re-upload into the Unit. Used by the Learner to indicate their understanding and acceptance of the assessment process.
Assessment Conditions
Imported directly from for all NRT Units. Refers to the mandatory conditions, methods, contexts and resources required for assessment.
Assessment Objective
Descriptive text that appears as expandable/collapsible content above every assessment item within a Section.
By default, this content informs the Learner and Trainer which Mapping Components are mapped to a particular Question or Task.
Assessment Sections
Refer to Sections (Assessment).
The Section in a Unit’s Online variant used to group Assessment Sections together.
All of the default Assessment Sections will appear on the Assessments page unless disabled.
User-created Assessment Sections must be added to the Assessments page by the user.
A file uploaded to the Media Library.
Assets can be linked in content areas such as Assessment Sections or Supporting Info Sections.
Can include the following file types:
Images | .gif .jpeg .jpg .png .svg .svgz .webp |
PDFs | |
Audio | .flac .m4a .m4b .mp3 .mp4 .oga .wma |
Video | .3g2 .3gp .avi .flv .m2v .m4v .mov .mpeg .mpg .ogg .ogv .wav .webm .wmv |
Other Files | .csv .doc .docx .dot .dotx .html .ppsx .ppt .pptx .rtf .txt .xls .xlsb .xlsx .xlt .xltx .zip |
Auto Marked
A type of Assessment Section designed to be used in the LMS where the system automatically marks the Learner’s responses as Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
To enable auto marking, Auto marked Sections need the “Auto marking” option enabled in the Online variant. Otherwise, an Auto marked Section needs to be manually marked by a Trainer.
Auto Marking
An option for Auto marked type Assessment Sections that can be enabled/ disabled when editing the Section in the Online variant.
A standardised piece of content that can be repeated across multiple Units. For example, an Assessment Agreement.
A list of all Boilerplate content available to an Organisation can be accessed through the Administration menu. New Boilerplate content can be added through this page.
Boilerplate can be used in the description of a Section. This functions as the introductory text to an Assessment Section or as it’s own page of content for a Supporting info Section.
Boilerplates can be set to be used in only NRT Units, Non-NRT Units, or both types of Units.
They contain:
- A title—a label used to distinguish the Boilerplate in Edify, it does not appear in the LMS
- Introduction text—visible above the ‘show more/less’ link in the LMS
- Main body text—visible after clicking the ‘show more’ link in the LMS
Refer to Home page buttons.
Child Question
The Question Component Blocks grouped together under a Scenario Question.
Child Question Number Format
The property of a Scenario that determines the numbering format/ style.
All Child Questions or Child Tasks in a Scenario will follow this numbering format.
The number format can be set as:
- Decimal (1, 2, 3, …) (default)
- Upper Alpha (A, B, C, …)
- Lower Alpha (a, b, c, …)
Functions in a similar way to Component number format in Sections.
Child Task
The Task Component Blocks grouped together under a Scenario.
Creates an identical copy of an existing Unit.
Cloned units must have a unique Code (or optionally an Edition Code).
The code used to identify a unit. For example, CHCECE053.
Must be unique to the organisation. Units may use the same Code in the same Organisation by using unique Edition Codes.
Common Media
Media Library Assets that can be used in any Organisation.
In the Media Library, Assets can be moved from the Unit Specific category to the Common Media category. Assets cannot be moved from Common Media to Unit Specific—they must be re-uploaded as a Unit Specific Asset.
Assets in the Common Media tab can be Archived.
Component Blocks
Component Blocks are the Questions or Tasks used within an Assessment Section. Also known as Section Components.
The types of Component Blocks include:
- Scenarios
- Essay Questions
- Table Questions
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Short Answer Questions
- True/False Questions
- Tasks
Mapping Components can be mapped against each individual Component Block added to an Assessment Section.
Component Label
The label applied to a set of Questions or Tasks inside a Section. This can be edited by the user.
For Trainer marked or Auto marked Assessment Sections, the default Component label is “Question”.
For Observation Assessment Sections, the default Component label is “Task”.
Component Number Format
The property of an Assessment Section that sets the numbering format/ style.
All Questions or Tasks in a Section follow the Component number format.
The number format can be set as:
- Decimal (1, 2, 3, …) (default)
- Upper Alpha (A, B, C, …)
- Lower Alpha (a, b, c, …)
Enabling the Custom component label option overrides this setting.
Custom Component Label
The property of an Assessment Section that allows individual labels to be applied to Questions or Tasks.
If enabled, all new or edited Questions or Tasks will require a custom label.
An action used to remove a Unit, part of a Unit, or a User from the system. Deleted Units or parts of a Unit cannot be recovered.
Deleted Users can be recovered by contacting the Catapult Team.
Descriptive text that appears on the landing page of an assessment section. Used to provide instruction to the learner or trainer.
Can contain asset links and/or images.
Can be set to:
- None (not advised as the learner and trainer should be given some explanatory text for every assessment section)
- Custom
- Boilerplate
An option present for all Section types. This prevents the Section from being used in the Online variant of the Unit.
If disabled in the Sections view, the Section will not appear at all in the Online view.
If disabled in the Online view, the Section will appear faded and marked with a red “Disabled” label.
A status a Unit can have. Used to identify the state of a unit as being in-progress or in-development.
Units with the Draft status can be edited by Users.
Units with the Draft status can be changed to the Ready status.
Drag and Drop into Text Questions
Drag and Drop into Text questions can be used in a number of ways including:
- Fill in the blanks
- Categorisation
- Labelling
These question types can also be auto marking both gradable and non-gradable assessment sections
Creates an identical copy of an existing Assessment or Supporting info Section within the same Unit.
A duplicated Section requires a unique title.
An action to make changes to a part of a Unit.
Parts of a unit that can be edited include Sections, Questions and Tasks.
Unit details that can be edited by the Catapult team include:
- Unit code
- Unit title
- Edition code
- Edition title
- Unit application
- Package
Edition Code
An optional code used to differentiate two or more units with the same code.
A unit with an Edition Code may include an Edition Title.
Edition Title
An optional title is used to differentiate two or more units with the same code.
A unit with an Edition Title must include an Edition Code.
A Mapping Component refers to the Element in a Unit of Competency. Imported directly from
Essay Question
A type of Component Block used in a Trainer marked type Assessment Section. They are used in the default Knowledge Questions and Projects Sections.
Foundation Skills
A Mapping Component refers to the Foundation Skills in a Unit of Competency. They are not imported directly from and must be manually added by the Catapult team.
Foundation Skills Checklist
A default Supporting info Section that provides a downloadable form used to evaluate a Learner’s specific foundation skills for that Unit.
When a Learner is enrolled into a Unit in the LMS, this Section allows the form to be downloaded, filled-out and re-uploaded into the system by the Trainer.
A feature present in all Units that displays a list of actions performed sorted by date (most recent). This list is automatically updated by the system each time an action is performed by a user.
The History page is located in the left-hand menu of a Unit.
For more details on specific user actions presented on the History page, see Reviewing user actions.
Home Page Buttons
Refers to the buttons found on the Unit home page of a Unit’s Online variant.
By default, the Unit home page contains two buttons linked to the Learning resource and Assessments Sections.
Buttons can be added and linked to existing Sections or as File Attachments from the Media Library.
The colour of home page buttons depends on the type of link:
- Assessment Sections—blue
- Supporting Info Sections—purple
- File Attachments—purple
Buttons contain a minor label (eg “Learning materials”) and a major label (eg “START LEARNING”).
All buttons can be enabled/disabled. User-added buttons can be deleted.
Knowledge Evidence
A Mapping Component that refers to the Knowledge Evidence in a Unit of Competency. Imported directly from
Knowledge Questions
A default Trainer marked Assessment Section present in all Units.
Contains sub-sections labelled as Topics. These are determined by the Unit’s Elements.
Learning Resource
The learning material relevant to the unit, arranged into topics. This Section is located in the left-hand menu of a Unit’s Online variant.
The content of the Learning resource cannot be viewed directly in Edify, only in the LMS.
This Section can be renamed, disabled or set as Trainer Only.
Major Version
A type of version change made to a Unit in Edify that will affect enrolments in the LMS. This occurs when the structure of the unit has changed.
When a unit with major changes is published in the LMS, the changes will not affect any current enrolments and will only appear for new enrolments after the LMS publish date.
The first time any unit is published in an LMS organisation, it is considered a Major change.
Each NRT Unit has a unique Mapping page.
The Mapping includes Mapping Components imported from
This page displays any Assessment Questions or Tasks that have been mapped against a Mapping Component. This data is automatically updated when mapping is added or deleted from Questions and Tasks.
Mapping Components
Imported directly from into each NRT Unit, Mapping Components include:
- Elements
- Performance Criteria
- Knowledge Evidence
- Performance Evidence
- Foundation Skills*
Mapping Components can be mapped against individual Questions or Tasks. They are presented on the Mapping page of a Unit.
*Foundation Skills are not imported from They can be manually created by the Catapult team.
Mark as Ready
The Action button used to change a unit’s status from Draft to Ready.
This button can be accessed from the top-right corner of a Unit or from the list of Units. It will only be visible if the status of the Unit is set to Draft.
Media Library
The file manager for any assets used by an organisation.
Assets uploaded to the Media Library may be unique to a single unit or used across multiple units.
Each asset in the media library can be renamed.
Assets are grouped under three categories:
- Unit specific
- Common media
- Archived
The following file types can be uploaded to the Media Library:
Images | .gif .jpeg .jpg .png .svg .svgz .webp |
PDFs | |
Audio | .flac .m4a .m4b .mp3 .mp4 .oga .wma |
Video | .3g2 .3gp .avi .flv .m2v .m4v .mov .mpeg .mpg .ogg .ogv .wav .webm .wmv |
Other Files | .csv .doc .docx .dot .dotx .html .ppsx .ppt .pptx .rtf .txt .xls .xlsb .xlsx .xlt .xltx .zip |
Minor Version
A type of version change made to a Unit in Edify that will affect enrolments in the LMS. This occurs when the existing structure of the unit remains the same, but the content inside that structure has been changed ie text or asset changes.
When a unit with Minor changes is published in the LMS, the changes will affect all current enrolments made since the last Major change to the unit was published in the LMS.
Multiple Choice
A default Auto marked Assessment Section present in all Units.
Contains sub-sections labelled as Topics. These are determined by the Unit’s Elements.
For NRT Units from the Catapult library, the Multiple Choice Section:
- contains the Check Your Understanding quizzes from the Learning resource
- uses both Multiple choice questions and True/False questions
- is disabled in the Online variant
Multiple Choice Question
A type of Component Block that includes question text followed by a series of answers that can be individually set as correct.
At least one answer must be set as correct.
Can be added to Trainer marked or Auto marked type Sections.
My Notes
This Section is part of the Catapult LMS and is used by the Learner to add notes.
In Edify, it is located in the left-hand menu of a Unit’s Online variant.
This Section can be renamed and disabled.
Used to identify non-accredited training units.
Also known as MyCatapult units.
An abbreviation for Nationally Recognised Training.
This label is used to identify accredited training units.
A type of Assessment Section.
Examples of this are the Performance tasks and Practical demonstration (Practical assessment).
The Components Blocks that can be used in an Observation include:
- Scenario
- Task
Also known as the Online variant of a Unit. This is the assembly area for the structure and presentation of a Unit designed to be used in the LMS.
Changes made to the Online variant of a Unit will need to be pushed as a new version in the LMS for the changes to be reflected in that system. In other words, changes made in Edify do not simultaneously affect the Unit in the LMS.
Located under the Administration menu, this page provides the account profile details for an Edify user’s training organisation.
Refers to the training packages found on
Performance Criteria
A Mapping Component that refers to the Performance Criteria in a Unit of Competency. Imported directly from
Performance Evidence
A Mapping Component that refers to the Performance Evidence in a Unit of Competency. Imported directly from
Performance Tasks
A default Observation Assessment Section present in all Units.
Contains sub-sections labelled as Topics. These are determined by the Unit’s Elements.
Practical Assessment
Found in an NRT Unit’s Online variant, this unique group of Section includes the following Sections:
- Overview
- Instructions for the learner
- Instructions for the trainer/assessor or third party
- Practical demonstration
Practical Demonstration
A default Observation Assessment Section present in all Units.
One of the default Assessment Sections used in a Unit.
In the LMS, it is designed to be used by the Learner to provide evidence for either practical or knowledge-based skills.
By default, can be mapped to:
- Performance Criteria
- Knowledge Evidence
- Performance Evidence
The Action button used to change a unit’s status from Ready to Published.
Clicking the button opens a dialog box to confirm the action.
This button can be accessed from the top-right corner of a unit page or from the Units or Organisation Units pages.
Only visible if the status of the unit is set as Ready.
A Unit status.
Units with this status:
- are restricted from editing or changes
- can be pushed to the LMS as either a Major or Minor Version change by the Catapult team
- can be set to the Draft status
A Unit with the Published status in Edify does not refer to it’s status in the LMS.
A Unit status.
Units with this status:
- are restricted from editing or changes
- are made available to be checked by the Catapult team
- can be set to the Draft or Published status
A type of Component Block also known as a Scenario Question or Scenario Task.
Scenarios are used to group multiple questions or tasks together. They are intended to be used when there is a common piece of information or instruction relating to the group of questions/ tasks.
Questions and Tasks grouped together under a Scenario are commonly referred to as Child Questions or Child Tasks.
Scenarios can contain a mix of Child Question types. For example, Essay questions and Multiple Choice questions can be included inside the same Scenario.
The Child Question numbering can be set as:
- Decimal (1, 2, 3, …) (this is the default option)
- Upper Alpha (A, B, C, …)
- Lower Alpha (a, b, c, …)
A type of Section in a Unit’s Online variant. This Section is part of the Catapult LMS and is used by the Learner and Trainer to search the unit for specific content.
In Edify, this Section can be Renamed, Disabled or set to Trainer Only.
A Section is a piece or group of content that is designed to be used in the Online variant of a Unit. This can include either assessment tools or supporting information, known as Assessment Sections and Supporting info Sections respectively.
Within in a Unit, the Sections page manages the content of all Assessment and Supporting info Sections.
Sections can be created, duplicated, rearranged (click-and-drag), renamed or disabled.
Sections (Assessment)
There are three types of Assessment Sections:
- Trainer marked (eg Knowledge questions or Projects)
- Auto marked (eg Multiple choice)
- Observation (eg Performance tasks or Practical demonstration)
The default Assessment Sections present in all NRT Units include:
- Skills recognition
- Knowledge questions
- Performance tasks
- Multiple choice
- Projects
- Practical demonstration
Sections (Supporting Info)
The default supporting info sections for NRT units includes:
- Unit information
- Unit mapping
Section Components
Also known as Component Blocks.
Section Labels
These are the settings for the Question and Task labels for each Section.
Can be changed in the Edit Section settings.
Contains options for the:
- Section prefix (if the Section contains sub-sections)
- Custom component label option
- Component label
- Component number format
Section Mapping
The property of an Assessment Section that enables Mapping components for NRT Units.
Each Mapping Component can be enabled or disabled in an Assessment Section.
Mapping components include:
- Elements
- Performance Criteria
- Knowledge Evidence
- Performance Evidence
- Foundation Skills
Disabling a Mapping Component from a Section does not clear the Mapping Components already mapped to Questions or Tasks inside that Section.
Section Prefix
The label used for sub-sections in an Assessment Section.
The default Section prefix is “Topic”.
Short Answer Question
A type of Component Block that includes question and answer text.
Designed to be used as a written response style question where there is a distinct answer. For example:
Question: What is the capital city of Victoria?
Answer: Melbourne
Can be part of a Trainer marked or Auto marked Section.
Skills Recognition
One of the default Assessment Sections in an NRT Unit.
Contains sub-sections. Each sub-section contains a title based on an element of the unit and a description of the relevant performance criteria. The title of each sub-section can be renamed.
Cannot be duplicated or deleted but can be disabled.
Designed to be used in the LMS by the learner to provide evidence of their existing skills and knowledge that demonstrate their ability.
Defines the stage of the Edify process a Unit is in.
There are three statuses a Unit can have:
- Draft
- Ready
- Published
A section of an Assessment Section used to divide it into multiple parts.
Sub-sections can only be enabled upon creating a new Assessment Section, they cannot be enabled after.
Sub-sections can be manually added by the user or automatically built from the Elements of the Unit.
By default, they are present in the Knowledge questions and Performance task Assessment Sections where they are labelled as Topics.
Supporting Info
A type of Section. In contrast to Assessment Sections, a Supporting info Section only contains text or asset-linked content and does not contain any assessment content.
In a Unit’s Online variant, the Supporting info Sections are grouped together in the left-hand menu under Supporting info and contain two major headings:
- Supporting info
- Additional information and evidence
- Assessment agreement
- Foundation skills checklist
- Third party evidence collection agreement
- Details about the unit
- Unit information
- Unit mapping
Supporting Info Sections
Refer to Sections (Supporting info).
Table Question
A type of Component Block used in a Trainer marked type Assessment Section. They are sometimes used in the default Knowledge Questions and Projects Sections.
Similar in style to an Essay question, Table questions are designed to be used in the LMS when the Learner needs the option to provide an answer inside a table.
A type of Component Block used in an Observation type Assessment Section. They are used in the default Performance tasks and Practical demonstration (Practical assessment) Sections.
In the LMS, a Task can be used by either the Learner or Trainer to upload evidence.
Third-Party evidence collection agreement
A default Supporting info Section provides a declaration form for a third-party observer to sign.
When a Learner is enrolled into a Unit in the LMS, this Section allows the form to be downloaded, filled out and re-uploaded into the system by either the Learner or the assigned Trainer.
This Section is part of the Catapult LMS and is used by the learner and trainer to track the enrolment progress of the unit.
In Edify, this Section is located in the left-hand menu of a Unit’s Online variant.
This Section can be renamed.
This Section cannot be disabled.
A type of label used in three instances:
- The name of a Unit. For example, “Respond to grievances and complaints about the service”. Two units may have the same title but must have different codes.
- The name of a Section. For example, “Knowledge questions”. Each Section in a Unit must have a unique title. The default Section Titles can be overwritten. Overwritten Titles can be reset to their default.
- The name of a Boilerplate. For example, “Assessment agreement”. Each Boilerplate must have a unique title. Default Boilerplate content can be edited.
Trainer Marked
A type of Assessment Section.
Examples of this are the Knowledge questions and Projects Sections.
The default Components Blocks include:
- Scenario question
- Essay question
Other Component Blocks that can be enabled include:
- Table question
- Multiple choice question
- Short answer question
- True/False question
Trainer Only
A property of a Section added to a Unit’s Online variant.
Can be set via the Edit Section settings in the Online page.
In the LMS, a Section that has been set to Trainer Only can only be viewed by an Admin or Trainer user. Trainer Only Sections will be hidden from the view of Learner user enrolments.
True/False Question
A type of Section Component in an Assessment Section.
Includes question text followed by a series of statements that can be set to either true or false.
Can be part of a Trainer marked or Auto marked Section.
Unit Home
The landing page Section of a Unit’s Online variant.
Unit Information
A Supporting info Section used to display the information found on a Unit’s page. This information is imported into Edify when a Unit is created.
Uses a Custom description to format the data:
By default, this page is presented as a table that contains the:
- Unit code
- Unit title
- Application
- Unit sector
- Unit mapping information
- Foundation skills
- Assessment conditions
Unit Mapping
A Supporting info Section is used to display a Unit’s Mapping.
Uses a Custom description to format the data:
The Section displays a table of the Mapping Components and any Assessment Tasks that have been mapped to them.
Unit Overview
The landing page of a Unit in Edify.
This page displays basic information about the Unit:
- The Package the unit is set to
- The Organisation the unit belongs to
- The About this unit content
NRT Units will also display data imported from
- Application
- Pre-requisite Unit
- Unit Sector
- Unit Mapping Information
- Foundation Skills
- Assessment conditions
Unit Specific
Media Library Assets that can only be used in the particular Unit it was uploaded to.
Assets can be moved from the Unit Specific category to the Common Media category. Assets cannot be moved from Common Media to Unit Specific—they must be re-uploaded as a Unit Specific Asset.
Assets in the Unit Specific tab can be Archived.
This page lists all Units created or added to an Edify organisation.
New units can be created through the menu in the top-right corner of this page.
Existing units can be marked as ready or cloned.
Located under the Administration menu, this page provides a list of all users in the training organisation.
New users can be created through this page.
Existing users on this page can be edited, deleted or cloned by a user with the correct permissions.
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